Price Drop: Beginner Guide MatrixBrute 101 (Music)

Beginner Guide MatrixBrute 101 7.1

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Music
Price: $13.99 -> $6.99, Version: 7.1 (iTunes)


If you like huge analog synth sounds, look no further. Featuring an all-analogue signal path, an impressive 16 x 16 Matrix, a Steiner-Parker filter, an aptly named Brute Factor control, and more, Arturia’s MatrixBrute will please the most discerning synth connoisseur. And speaking of synth connoisseurs, we couldn’t have found a more knowledgeable teacher to demystify this monstrous synth than Marc Doty. Marc is a walking encyclopedia of electronic music history, a gifted composer and synthesist, and most importantly, he is a phenomenal and inspiring teacher.

Beginner Guide MatrixBrute 101
