Price Drop: MusiKraken (Music)

MusiKraken 1.06

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Music
Price: $9.99 -> $6.99, Version: 1.06 (iTunes)


MusiKraken is an Experimental MIDI Controller Construction Kit.

Make music using your hands, face, voice or by rotating the device!

Choose from several types of modules in the editor and connect the ports to create your own MIDI controller setup. Use device sensors like Touch, Accelerometer, Microphone and Camera (face tracking via ARKit and depth sensor) to generate MIDI signals. Route the MIDI signals through effect modules to split chords into separate notes, transpose them and send them to separate channels to control multiple virtual instruments simultaneously.

MusiKraken supports sending and receiving MIDI data over Wi-Fi or via Core MIDI (for example by using Inter-Device Audio and MIDI (IDAM)). And it can host Audio Unit Instruments.

Important: Please note that some of the modules only work on iOS devices with specific hardware: ARKit Face Tracking and the TrueDepth module need a TrueDepth front camera, and Hand Tracking needs at least iOS 14, and might be too slow on older devices. All other modules should work on all devices.

Input Modules:
-Keyboard: Press the keys to generate notes. Slide your finger across the keys to generate values that can be converted to MIDI events, so that you can control multiple aspects of your virtual instrument directly from the keyboard. The keyboard can also generate aftertouch events or highlight keys belonging to a specific scale.

-Chord Pad: Select one of many scales and the Chord Pad will create one button per chord in the current octave. The top row of buttons will play the chord in its root position, while the buttons below play its inversions, making it possible to experiment with various combinations.

-ARKit Face Tracking: If your device supports ARKit, you can use parameters from ARKit Face Tracking to generate MIDI signals! Generate notes or control parameters using your mouth, eyes, tongue or by moving your head.

-TrueDepth: Use the depth signal of your front camera to generate MIDI data by moving your hand (or anything else) in front of the device.

-Hand Tracking: Convert your hand position and simple hand gestures to MIDI.

-Accelerometer: Generate MIDI control values or notes by rotating your device. And routing the MIDI signal from a Keyboard or a Chords Pad through the MIDIIn and MIDIOut ports of the accelerometer will change the velocity of the notes depending on how much the device did shake.

-Microphone: This module uses your microphone and generates MIDI events from the detected pitch and volume.

-External Input Device: Connect with a CoreMIDI input device and route its MIDI signal through the other modules.

Output Modules:
-Core MIDI Network: Use the default Core MIDI network session to send MIDI events via Wi-Fi to your computer.

-External Output Device: Send MIDI events to any device accessible via Core MIDI. This can for example be used to send the MIDI signal via Lightning cable.

-Snarp Network MIDI: My own implementation of the RTP MIDI protocol used to send MIDI data via Network. Useful to combine with Core MIDI Network to create additional outputs.

-SimpleSynth: Generate simple synthesizer sounds directly on the device!

-Chord Splitter: Splits incoming chords into separate notes and sends these to separate channels. This allows you to play multiple (legato-) instruments simultaneously!

-Channel Switcher: Change the MIDI channel of events.

-Value to MIDI Converter: To convert numerical values (green ports) to MIDI events (orange ports), it needs a converter. Converters can convert incoming numbers to Control Change events (modulation, volume, breath control...), Channel Pressure or Pitch Bend events. Or they can be used to generate notes.

-MIDI Transposer: Transpose MIDI notes up or down.

What's New

Hello, and thank you for using MusiKraken! Really, thank you very much!
This update contains:
-Bugfix for scaling problem on newest generation of iPad Pro.
-Bugfix for Hand Tracking on devices without a TrueDepth camera.
-You can now connect to other Core MIDI Network devices directly from within the app.
-Added x- and y-ports to Chord Pad.

